WiFi Issue Resolved

Moin WEH,

the connection to the tuermeroam WiFi should now be working again.
You may be prompted by your device to trust the new CA certificate.
If you still have issues, please try resetting and reconfiguring your connection using the information on our website:


How did this problem arise?
This time, it was NetzAG’s fault :^O
At least partially, because we need to renew certificates annually, which we request through the IT Center of RWTH from the CA GÉANT.
Previously, when certificates were about to expire, a reminder was sent to the responsible admins, so they can request a new certificate in time.
However, last year the IT Center implemented a new “RA-Portal” that replaced the old system.
As a result, we were not reminded that our RADIUS certificate would expire today, since it was requested in the short timeframe where RWTH already used the new CA but didn’t use the new RA-Portal yet…

We apologize for the brief disruption.
In the future, we will be reminded when a certificate is about to expire ;^)

