Einladung Vollversammlung 22.01.2025
Hallo WEH,
on 22.01.2025 at 20:00, our Vollversammlung will take place in the living room on the 0th floor of WEH.
Each floor and each AG must be represented by at least one person throughout the entire event.
If a floor is absent, internet bans may be decided by the Vollversammlung.
Please coordinate within your floor early to ensure full representation.
All AG reports and Anträge must be sent to the following email address:
– **AG Reports**: A brief summary of activities since the last assembly
– **Anträge**: These can be submitted by AGs or individual members and may include requests such as adding members to AGs, amending regulations, requesting funds, and more.
1. Welcome and verification of Beschlussfähigkeit
2. Approval of Protokolle
3. Vorstand report
4. Vorstand election
5. AG reports
6. Miscellaneous
7. Closing the Vollversammlung
We look forward to your participation and a constructive meeting!
WEHnachten Event – Essential Notices
Hello WEH,
as you may already know, on December 6th, 2024, we are hosting our Christmas celebration “WEHnachten” and you are all warmly invited to join us!
We would like to inform you in advance of a few potential inconveniences:
Starting at 16:00 on the day of the event, the printer and mailboxes will no longer be accessible.
If you are expecting important mail or need to print something urgently, please take care of it beforehand.
Additionally, we recommend using the basement entrance that evening, as the foyer will be used for the festivities.
Residents on the lower floors may be impacted by the noise.
We kindly ask for your understanding – or better yet, join us for the celebration! :^)
We’re looking forward to an amazing party and hope to see many of you there!
On behalf of Housespeakers and PartyAG
Building Access Security in WEH
Hello WEH,
Recently, there have been encounters with unauthorized individuals in the WEH building.
These individuals tend to sleep in the Lernraum, the Konferenzraum, or in the stairwell towards the roof.
While they have not yet exhibited dangerous behavior or caused any harm to our knowledge, they do not belong in the building and make some inhabitants feel uncomfortable.
We kindly ask you to pay attention to whom you allow into the building and ensure that all doors are closed behind you – especially the door at the basement entrance!
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Holiday Cleaning Notice
Hello WEH,
between Christmas and 02.01.2025, there will be no cleaning services in WEH.
During this period, it will be the responsibility of each floor to keep their kitchen clean and to take care of the organic waste disposal!
Reminder Fahrrad-Aktion
Hello everyone,
We would like to remind you that the Fahrrad-AG will be doing the Fahrrad-Aktion next Tuesday the 12.11.2024.
Please don’t forget to mark your bicycle with the blue ribbon.
Furthermore we are searching for new members to join the Fahrrad-AG. In case you’re interested we’d be delighted to have your assistance during the Fahrrad-Aktion, so just write us a short email and we will tell you the details.
Netzwerk-AG Consultation Hour 06.11.2024
Hello WEH and TvK,
the Netzwerk-AG consultation hour will be moved up by one hour this week due to the Newcomers Event and will start at 18:00.
If you need to register or have any questions, please arrive on time!
Liebe Mitbewohner und Mitbewohnerinnen,
an dem 12.11.24 machen wir wieder unsere jährliche Fahrradaktion.
Was ist das?
Ziel der Fahrrad-Aktion ist es, kaputte und vor allem nicht mehr
benutzte Fahrräder im und ums WEH herum einzusammeln, um allen
Bewohnern, die tatsächlich einen der wenigen Stellplätze benötigen,
diesen auch geben zu können.
Wie läuft das ab?
In eurem Briefkasten findet ihr ab heute ein Bändchen.
Dieses Bändchen MUSS am 12.11.24 an eurem Fahrrad im Keller/am Haus sichtbar befestigt worden sein.
Alle Fahrräder, die an diesem Tag KEIN Bändchen an ihrem
Fahrrad haben, werden aufgebrochen und aus dem Fahrradkeller oder dem
Hausumfeld entfernt.
HINWEIS: wir empfehlen aus Erfahrung, am Abend vor oder am Morgen des
12.11.24 zu kontrollieren, ob das Bändchen noch am Fahrrad hängt.
Was passiert danach?
Fahrräder, die gemäß unserer Fahrradordnung nicht mehr fahrfähig sind, werden direkt dem Schrott zugeführt. Alle anderen, noch fahrtüchtigen Fahrräder, werden für eine befristete Zeit aufgehoben und danach einer wohltätigen Organisation gespendet oder versteigert.
Sollten wir ein Fahrrad entfernt haben das nicht mit einem Bändchen
versehen war, euch aber noch gehört, dann schreibt bitte baldmöglichst eine E-Mail an fahrrad@weh.rwth-aachen.de.
Ihr werdet dann von uns informiert, wann und wo ihr euer Fahrrad abholen könnt. Die Kosten für das aufgebrochene Schloss werden NICHT erstattet.
Was, wenn ich zwei Fahrräder habe?
Die Stellplätze für Fahrräder im und um das Haus herum sind begrenzt. Wir haben deshalb festgelegt, dass jeder nur Fahrrad abstellen darf.
Was, wenn ich Untermieter bin und mein Hauptmieter ein Fahrrad im
Keller/am Haus hat?
WICHTIG: leitet diese Info bitte unbedingt an euren Hauptmieter weiter.
Fragt ihn, ob er ein Fahrrad im Keller hat und markiert es, wenn er es noch braucht, mit einem Bändchen.
Bitte schreibt bei allen weiteren Fragen eine E-Mail an
Die Bändchen werden demnächst in euren Briefkästen zu finden sein.
Liebe Grüße
Eure Fahrrad AG
Dear resident,
on the 12.11.24 we will have our annual bicycles operation.
What’s that?
Our goal is to get rid of broken and unused bicycles in and around the WEH.
What will happen?
You will get a ribbon in your post box today. This ribbon must be
attached to your bike standing in the bicycle storage room or at the racks outside the house by the 12.11.24.
All bikes without such a ribbon will be removed from their place by us.
We recommend to check that the ribbon is still attached to your bike on the evening before or the morning of 12.11.24.
What happens after?
We will dispose bicycles that are not roadworthy to a junk yard. All
bikes that have been removed but still are roadworthy will be kept for a limited time. All bikes that haven’t been collected by then will be contributed or offered for auction. If we removed a bike you owned but was not marked with a ribbon, and you’d like to have it back please contact us as fast as possible per mail at
fahrrad@weh.rwth-aachen.de. We will inform you where and when you can
collect your bike. Of course we will not compensate the costs for the
locks we had to break up.
What if I have two bicycles?
The pitches for bicycles in and around the house are limited. We have
therefore decided that everyone can only park one bicycle.
What if I am a subtenant and the main renter has a bike?
IMPORTANT: please contact your main renter. Ask him if he/she has a bike stored in our cellar and mark it with a ribbon if he/she still needs it.
For any further questions please contact us at
You will find your ribbons in your mailbox the following days.
Best Regards
Fahrrad AG
Upcoming Network Improvements
Hello TvK,
1. This Saturday, I’ll be setting up a PSK WiFi network at TvK to enable the use of gaming consoles and SmartHome devices.
Each device will need to be whitelisted, and you can submit a request for each on the following page:
Once your request is approved, you’ll receive an email containing the network password.
2. At the same time, I’ll be working to close any remaining gaps in WiFi connectivity, especially on floors 8 – 10.
3. The troubleshooting feature in the backend is now available for TvK users.
If you encounter connection issues for certain devices, this should be your first resource for checking serverlog details:
4. Please remember that the Rundmail feature in the backend is intended solely for reaching and not for contacting specific AGs or individuals.
To contact AGs directly, please use this page:
For contacting individuals, you can use the following page:
5. On a final note I appreciate the positive feedback many of you have shared regarding my voluntary work for TvK.
However, I have received some requests recently that were phrased in a tone that doesn’t facilitate productive exchange.
Some individuals seem to be under the misconception that I am some kind of paid service employee – which I am not.
I won’t be responding to these types of messages, considering my dwindling motivation about working voluntarily.
Vollversammlung: Membership fee reductions and kitchen inspections
Hello WEH and TvK,
thank you all for ensuring that, for the second time in a row, every floor of WEH had a representative at the Vollversammlung!
The most important change, which also affects all members of TvK:
The house fee has been reduced from €3 to €1 per month, and the network fee has been reduced from €3 to €2 per month.
This means that regular members will now only need to pay a total of €3 per month.
The accounting process is the same, the membership fee will be automatically deducted from your WEH account.
Additionally, the floor speakers of WEH will start conducting kitchen inspections in WEH again.
If, after a warning, the specific issues are not improved, we will impose an internet suspension for the entire floor until the kitchen is clean again.
You can find everything else that was decided during Vollversammlung in the Protokoll, which will soon be available in the Backend:
STW – Certificate of Study
Hello tenants of WEH and TvK,
each semester, our landlord, STW, requires us to submit our current certificate of study (“Studienbescheinigung”).
You can download this document for Wintersemester 2024/25 via RWTH online and must send it to studienbescheinigung@stw.rwth-aachen.de no later than 30th November 2024.
In the attached mail, you will find the request mail from STW to the housespeakers.
If you have any questions, please ask STW via this mailaddress:
Please make sure to submit your certificate on time to avoid any issues.
Have a great semester!
Liebe Haussprecher/innen,
bitte erinnern Sie alle Mitbewohnerinnen und Mitbewohner daran, dass sie ihre aktuelle Studienbescheinigung
spätestens bis zum 30. November 2024
bei uns unter studienbescheinigung@stw.rwth-aachen.de einreichen müssen!
Entsprechende Aushänge für die einzelnen Wohnheime folgen kommende Woche.
Vielen Dank!
Freundliche Grüße
i. A. Rossana Bastos-Krohmer