Das Walter-Eilender-Haus ist ein Aachener Studentenwohnheim auf dem Lousberg. Meist wird das WEH mit dem Theodore-von-Kármán-Haus (TvK), dem Otto-Intze-Haus (OIH) und dem Otto-Petersen-Haus (OPH) unter dem Begriff “Die Türme” zusammengefasst.

276 students live in the WEH on 18 floors and manage themselves through student initiative.

Interested in moving in?

Cheap rent, 16 residents per floor and a lively club life.
The bear steps here!


All common questions regarding our club offers are answered here.


Find out more about the working groups and their work in the tower.

Joining WEH e.V.

Click here for the registration form so that you can use services such as the internet or laundry.


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The Towers

Network Downtime

Hello WEH, Netzwerk-AG will work on the network infrastructure today. In about 1-2 hours there will be a downtime of our…



The Westbahnhof and the central RWTH campus with Mensa Academica, Audimax and CARL can be reached in 10-15 minutes of walking.

