
The WEH e.V. was founded in November 2008 after about one year of preparation. With this new foundation, the student self-administration, which had been established for decades, was put on a legally firm footing.

The Vorstand represents the interests of the residents to the Aachen Studierendenwerk and is also available as a general contact.

All other working groups are subordinate to WEH e.V.


Association for the promotion of student coexistence in the Walter-Eilender-Haus

Association penalties

Vereinsstrafen gemäß §23 Abs. 2 der Vereinssatzung

Geschäftsordnung Versammlungen

Geschäftsordnung des Haussenats und der Hausvollversammlung des WEH e.V.

Membership fees

Everything about individual costs, billing and payment periods


The records of senates and general assemblies
